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" One minute i'm okay other hours i'm not at all. it's my inner conflict: what is best for me versus the hearts i'm tracing with my fingertips." -hi i'm carmen, and i'm the Bill Nye of my generation...

Sunday, December 21, 2008


  1. Roots absorb water + dissolved minerals from the soil

  2. Water + minerals are transported upward from roots to shoots= xylem sap

  3. Transpiration ( loss of water from leaves through stomata) creates a force within leaves that pulls xylem sap upward

  4. Through stomata leaves take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. The carbon dioxide provides carbon for photosynthesis ( process of which plants make their own food) while oxygen is used for cellular respiration ( the air we breathe)

  5. Sugars are produced by photosynthesis in the leaves

  6. Sugars are transported as phloem sap to roots and other parts of the plant

  7. Roots exchange gases with the air spaces of soil, taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. In cellular respiration, oxygen supports the breakdown of sugars

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